Ekurhuleni metro cop killed by speeding car, motorist arrested after fleeing scene

Members of the EMPD.

Lucky Morajane, Gallo Images, Daily Sun

An Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) officer died after he was hit by a speeding VW Polo on the R24-N3 split at Gillooly’s interchange on Sunday morning.

The officer was stationed at the Freeway Unit. He was run over while attempting to stop the vehicle in the left lane.

“The driver immediately fled the scene of the accident. Fellow officers who were on the scene pursued the driver and apprehended him in the Joburg City region. The [man] is currently [being] detained at the Bedfordview SAPS on charges of culpable homicide, fleeing the scene and reckless and negligent driving,” said EMPD spokesperson Kelebogile Thepa.

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The EMPD said its members were saddened by the death of one of their own.

“He was a young, vibrant, hardworking and dedicated officer. His youthfulness and energy brought smiles to all those who worked with him,” said Thepa.

“We hope justice will be served [and] will send a stern warning to all those who think they are above the law. This will not bring the officer back but will surely console us.”

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