Vasper Technology at Leo’s Fitness Lab

The Vasper exercise machine provides immense high-intensity exercise benefits — without the extra stress on the body.

SAN DIEGO, CA, USA, December 24, 2022 / — Leo’s Fitness Lab is known as a gym that offers the newest technology. The Vasper machines that the gym uses are not only the newest high-intensity technology, but also significantly decrease the wear and tear that traditional exercise has on the body.

The risk for joint injuries like shin splints, knee injuries, and stress fractures are significantly increased when using traditional exercise equipment like a treadmill. These high impact exercises over time can cause serious damage to bones and joint, especially in people who have pre-existing injuries.

A study on high-impact exercise published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information showed that “[high impact] athletic activity is associated with a slightly increased risk of osteoarthritis.”

The Vasper machines are the quickest and safest way to see the best results from workouts. These high-tech ultra-modern machines are similar in quality to medical-grade instruments. The Vasper uses compression, liquid cooling, and interval training to decrease wear and tear, time, and stress, and still deliver the same results as conventional exercise.

According to the Vasper site, “Time and time again, Vasper users talk about increases in energy and strength. Combined with its low impact physically and physiologically, the anabolic hormone increase with Vasper use is an unbeatable combination for anyone who wants to increase their physical performance.”

Leo’s Fitness Lab has three personal trainers on staff, all certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, who are experts in providing the most efficient workouts. “Our gym provides the newest technology to create exercise routines that are equally safe and efficient,” said Leo Hamel. “Our trainers are here to help clients achieve results in just a fraction of the time by helping them push themselves to their maximum capacity.”
Media Contact:

Rylee Kahan
Leo’s Fitness Lab
+1 619-299-1500
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December 24, 2022, 23:12 GMT

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